Thank you for finding out more about KSA’s Christmas and New Year Appeal.
At KSA, we are motivated by our mission to address educational disadvantage through providing our pupils with a rigorous and transformational education to enable them to be successful at university and beyond.
Since inception, KSA has led the way in showing what is possible for children and young people growing up in poverty in the UK. We have built and sustained excellent educational outcomes, enabling 86% of our pupils to attend a selective university or access a degree level apprenticeship in Autumn 2024.
But we have never just been about academic success. We know our kids deserve more and different to help close the attainment gap that exists between pupils born into families of differing wealth in this country. Our pupils need the very best teachers (we’re very happy to say we have loads of those) but they also need the kind of opportunities their more affluent peers expect, the kind of opportunities which we know we can provide to our kids, but which are undeniably expensive. The reality is that we know these are the things which set us apart from other schools, because they are exactly the things which other schools are having to cut in ever-stretched school budgets. We hope you might be able to support us in our Christmas and New Year Appeal.
Donate to our reading programme
Our pupils need easy and regular access to brilliant books

Donate to our trips programme
We set the expectation that every pupil will go away from home on a residential trip every year from age nine to eighteen

Donate to our Music programme
The chance for every single KSA pupil to learn a stringed instrument

Regular giving scheme
A simple way for friends of KSA to make a regular monthly donation to the school.