Graditude Week

In the penultimate week of term, the school’s annual Gratitude Week took place.


Gratitude Week was a chance for the whole school community to make an extra effort to think about what we are grateful for and who we are grateful to. The school as a collective really thought about our core school value of ‘Be Kind’.

As part of this, every year group in their year group assembly had teachers and students talking about why gratitude is important and what they are grateful for. These were powerful moments that showed how gratitude helps both the recipient and the giver. There are photos of some of the assemblies below.

In lessons, staff and students also took the opportunity to say thank you to one another, whether verbally or by writing notes to one another.

Every student and staff member in the whole school got a Thank You card to write in, with a photo of one student in each year group on the front. This was an important moment to practice the value of Be Kind, and staff were most grateful to receive some incredible cards from our students.

Lastly, in new part of this year’s Gratitude Week, the school showed gratitude in the community with the Upper School Orchestra playing at the local Christmas fair at Paddington Basin.

The whole thing was very much an all-through and whole community effort, with parents helping to write and deliver letters to staff or write in emails. Thank you to the many who made the week happen.